Media and Podcasts

Publications and Podcasts features


Gen Z workers can take criticism. You’re just phrasing it wrong.

Young workers want feedback and lots of it. But if you deliver it in the wrong ways, it could backfire.


Nurses get spit on, kicked, assaulted. Stop hurting us. We are here to help you.

Healthcare workers are already vulnerable to COVID-19 exposure. We shouldn't have to worry about assaults and violence, too.

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Do we really care about nurses?

A Cost Of Care podcast episode where Sarah speaks to David Smith about the realities nurses face within our broken healthcare system. She shares the toll on our collective mental health & what she & others are doing to address this through building community in healthcare.

The Self Care Unit Podcast

A podcast exploring mental health and healthcare with nursing organizations Operation Happy Nurse and Don't Clock Out.

Sarah Warren has been featured in most major publications, contributed to & published work surrounding moral distress & workplace violence in healthcare. She has experience with LIVE television interviews as a subject matter expert around issues in healthcare as a nurse, advocate & a patient. She has experience as a keynote speaker, panelist & moderator. For all speaking inquiries, click HERE

Featured In


Chief Healthcare Executive


Washington Post

NPR Chief Healthcare Executive USA TODAY Washington Post


USA Today

News Nation

AHA USA Today News Nation

Business Insider

PR Newswire

MedPage Today

Business Insider PR Newswire MedPage Today

Sarah Warren



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